


Learning to ChatGBT

With all the dramatic news about AI this past week, I decided it was time I got myself up to speed. So I treated myself to an Institute of Marketing online seminar all about how best to use generative AI models. I don’t actually use ChatGBT yet, nor for that matter any other AI model, but I’m keen to learn. It seems to me that much like any other skill in life, you need to practice to get the best outcomes from this latest tech tool. It’s all about providing the best prompts. Imagine you have a new puppy: he or she needs to get used to working with you, recognising your voice and sort of places you might go, anticipating your demands, being guided on what you both might want to achieve. By providing as many prompts as possible to your ‘AI puppy’, including not only what you actually want but the tone required and even how important the outcome is to you, then you should be able to extract decent results from the content multiverse out there. Heavens, if you subscribe to ChatGBT 4, you can even generate maps and charts and videos and images! Oh dear, I’m getting ahead of myself now……

NB – these blogs are NOT written by AI.

Lynn ScrivenerComment